Breast Pumps, Pacifiers and Swings

...these are a few of my favorite things...

When I was registering for my baby shower I was completely overwhelmed. I honestly believe that corporate America (or Canada) targets pregnant women and new parents the same way they target children.

After my shower, when I was contemplating what more I needed and what needed to be returned, I was even more overwhelmed. Now that we are two months in I thought I would share what we actually use and what was a waste of money.

Things we couldn't live without:

Fisher-Price Precious Planet Music & Motion Soother

This has been a lifesaver when it comes to putting the peanut in her crib, "drowsy but awake". She loves the contrast of the colours of the lights, and fixates on the animals that gently move up and down. Many a night the babe has fallen asleep to this, despite my fear that she would be afraid of the lion on the right that pops up and down I would be).

Euro Graco Lovin' Hug Infant Swing

When we first brought the baby home, this was the only place she would sleep aside from my arms. She loves looking at the overhead mobile and is soothed by the white noise feature (it also plays music and nature sounds). We use the swing on a daily basis for naps.

Medela Harmony Breast pump (Rental)

I was extremely disappointed when I learned that my body wasn't making enough milk to satisfy my baby. I spent every waking moment researching what I could do to increase my supply. Somewhere in my research it was recommended that I feed the baby and then pump until I was dry with a hospital grade pump. Within two weeks of doing this I seem to have my supply issue taken care of. Not only did it help me increase my supply, but because of how efficient this pump is, I spend a lot less time on the couch topless.

Latex Pacifiers

It's really important to me that Sommer falls asleep with a paci in her mouth. Studies show SIDS risk decreases when a baby sleeps with a paci, something about it preventing them from falling into the deep state of sleep that can be synonymous with SIDS. We tried paci after paci and she had zero interest. Finally I realized most pacis are silicone now, so I bought some latex ones. Haven't had a problem with her keeping it in her mouth since.

Dr. Brown Bottles

We stared with Avent bottles and the nipple flow was much too fast, even the newborn flow nipples. Someone gave me some Gerber bottles at my shower and they were much better, except that Sommer would get pretty bad bouts of gas after eating. At my Mommies and Babies class the moms were raving about these weird looking Dr. Brown bottles, so we bought some on sale at Meijer. Lo and behold, we haven't had a problem with gas, spitting up or throwing up since. The only thing is like the Avent bottles, the newborn nipple flow is a little too fast, so we use the premie flow nipples.

Medela Microwave Sterilize Bags

God forbid you are plagued with the same low milk supply issues I was. I had to breastfeed on both sides, supplement Sommer with a bottle, then pump until I was When we were waking up several times a night, these bags became a lifesaver. All I had to do was rinse off the pump parts and throw them in the bags with some water, then in the microwave for five minutes....and ta daaaaa...sterilized pump ready for when I would need it three hours later.

Eurograco Travel System

I LOVE my travel system. I use it multiple times a day, and it is super easy to use. From the car to the stroller, this thing makes travelling with baby a million times easier than having a separate car seat and stroller. Thank you Graco, for making this wonderfully superior product.

Breast Milk Storage Jars

These containers came with the manual pump I wasted $40 on, and they were well worth the waste of money. We use them for storing my milk and any unused formula.

Peckle Sleepers

Peckle sleepers are $8 at Costco. They are light cotton which I love because you can layer your baby up to make sure they are warm enough without overheating. And they are only $8 so I can buy as many as I want without Baby Daddy getting angry with me.

All things Carters...especially wiggle in onesies

Carters rocks. Their clothes are super cute and comfy and are easy to put on. What can I say? They are like the Guess for babies.

Angelcare Monitor

This monitor has a sensor that goes under the mattress and monitors the baby's breathing. If a breath isn't detected in 20 seconds it sends out a piercing alarm. I rest easy now that I have this monitor. And I can go back to sleeping in my own bed, rather than in the bed in the nursery.

Fisher Price Hoppy Days Vibrating Chair

This is a great product. We use it for morning naps or just to hang out it. Right now Sommer is really into grabbing at the toys that hang from the arc attached to the chair. Plus, it's made out of a easy-to-wash material for spills and explosions.

and, finally...

Our Vacuum

It never fails. Put her down for a nap, turn the vacuum on, and she is out. The cats are terrified, but I have a content, happily sleeping baby. She seems to know the difference between imitation vacuum sounds and the real thing too, when it comes to getting my spirited child to sleep, only the real thing works.

Things We could have lived without...

Manual breast pump

Didn't work for me at all, wasn't powerful enough for what I needed it for.

Baby socks and shoes

She just kicks them off, better to just buy sleepers that have "feet".

Breast pads and milk storage bags

I assumed that my breast size was a direct correlation with the amount of breast milk I would be able to produce, so I stocked up. Not so, and now every time I open my bathroom closet I swear the box of breast pads is laughing at me.

Baby bathtub

Thank god I only spent $15 on this. Sommer's first few baths, before her cord fell off, were sponge baths so we didn't use it then. When she was ready for a bath, I tried using the tub in the kitchen but the water got too cold too fast. I tried using it in the bathroom, but because we don't have much counter space in there, I put it in the tub and knelt over the side, nearly destroying my knees and back. Finally I started bringing her in the tub with me, and its my favourite time of the day. We bond through the skin to skin contact and its a lot less awkward than kneeling over the edge of the tub.

Crib bedding

I am paranoid about SIDS. I went to a funeral for a baby who died of SIDS a few years ago and it will haunt me forever. Crib bedding, including bumper pads and comforters are a huge no-no when it comes to preventing SIDS. the only items I use from the $200 bedding set I just had to have are the crib skirt and the fitted sheet. The comforter and bumper pads look great in the closet.

Swaddling blankets

All you need for a good swaddle is a receiving blanket. I never figured out how to use the swaddling blanket I got at my shower and therefore never used it.

Newborn sized baby clothes

Bahahahahahahha 8 pounds 12 oz. at birth. Nuff said. I would rather roll up sleeves and have her grow into things than pack them away without ever using them.

Nursing clothes

My wardrobe has become nursing friendly without me having to buy and special clothes or pyjamas. I admit my nursing PJs were great in the beginning when we were still learning how to breastfeed, but now that we are comfortable with it I find the nursing clothes I bought to be annoying...the clasp on my bra comes undone on its own and I can't tell you how many times Nick has noticed one of my boobs hanging out of the slots when its not supposed to. They are now packed away with my maternity clothes.



Unknown said...

Great list Sarah!!

Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Sarah. Ex-marketing and advertising junkie turned pregger turned part-time working mom. I grew up in Windsor, ON, and when our family was hit as hard as it could have been by the automotive recession, my husband made a career change, which made him a cop, me a cop's wife, and moved us thousands of miles away to a town just outside of Edmonton, AB. These are our adventures as we make our way in our new land.


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