A day in the life...

Now that we have settled into some sort of routine (I think) I thought I'd let you in on a typical day in my life, pre- and post-baby.


6:00 am - Wake up and get ready for work
7:00 am - Meet fellow carpoolers at the parking lot
8:00 am - Arrive at the office and spend the day at work
5:00 pm - Meet carpool gang in the office foyer
5-6 pm - Battle rush hour traffic on one of the busiest highways in Canada to get home
6:30 pm - Sit down for dinner with hubby OR go to gym
8:00 pm - Soak in the bathtub in an attempt to forget about whatever ridiculous thing happened at work that day
9:00 pm - Watch tv in bed until I fall asleep (usually around 11 or so)


5:30 am - Wake up to baby's cries in the monitor, go to nursery and feed and change her
6:00 am - Sit in the bed in the nursery and "talk" to baby while she smiles and coos at the window behind me (not sure if its the pattern on the valance or the window itself but the kid LOVES it)
6:30 am - Put baby back in crib when she shows signs of being tired and lay down in the bed in the nursery and attempt to sleep while she does (usually I just lay and watch her and wonder if she is sleeping too much)
9:30 am - Baby wakes up. Feed and get her ready for the day.
10:30 am - Put on music and dance with baby. Try to get her to do some "tummy time", which she hates and rarely can stand for longer than a couple of minutes.
11:30 am - Put baby in bouncer in the bathroom while I quickly shower and get myself ready for the day.
12:00 pm - Feed baby and then put her down for a nap. If I have any errands to run I leave the house now so she can get her nap in the car.
2:00 pm - Read a story or sit and "talk" depending on her mood when she wakes up.
3:00 pm - Feed baby
4:00 pm - Put her in swing for her afternoon nap, usually with the vaccum running. Prepare dinner if it's my turn
5:30 pm - Feed baby and put in bouncer while we eat dinner. Try tummy time again.
8:00 pm - Have a bath and get ready for bed, turn lights down in the house
8:30 pm - Feed baby then rock and sing her to sleep. Put in crib drowsy but awake.
9:00 pm - Check email, watch TV or read until I pass out :)




Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

I love it...
Don't worry she's not sleeping too much, savour it.
Prepare yourself, now that she has settled into this routine & you are getting used to it, it should change anyday! LOL
Hope to see you ladies soon! Logan misses Sommer!

Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Sarah. Ex-marketing and advertising junkie turned pregger turned part-time working mom. I grew up in Windsor, ON, and when our family was hit as hard as it could have been by the automotive recession, my husband made a career change, which made him a cop, me a cop's wife, and moved us thousands of miles away to a town just outside of Edmonton, AB. These are our adventures as we make our way in our new land.


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