Three Months of Sommer

Dear Sommer,

Today you are three months old and I just can't believe it. You are the best baby in the universe and you continue to amaze me every day.

Your baby hair is falling out and is starting to grow back blonde. Your eyes are the same shade of hazel as Daddy's and Auntie Ashley's. You have started to make strange and aren't really interested in having anything to do with anyone but mommy and daddy. When mommy holds you now, you hold me back...and it is the best feeling in the world. You love to talk to Mommy with your sweet coos and giggles, and rarely do you cry.

Your nicknames this month have been: Zerbitz (Zerb for short), Bubba and Bug (or Buggy).

You love sitting in your bouncey chair and swatting at the turtle that hangs from it. Sometimes mommy lets you sit in it in front of the TV, and you giggle to this show that has weird looking butterflies with these really big eyes. You love when I squeak your Sophie toy and you are doing a great job grabbing on to your Winkle.

You have the widest, happiest grin I have ever seen on a baby and you squeal in delight whenever daddy tickles your toes or mommy makes your Sophie squeak. Your favourite songs are "Itsy bitsy spider," "You are my sunshine," and "All is love" from the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack.

You take a nap in the morning in my arms and one in the afternoon in your swing. We don't have to use the vaccum to get you to sleep anymore, as long as we play the ocean sounds you settle to sleep no problem.

Grandma Laurie says you are the kind of baby that makes people want to have another one, but I can't imagine it. Even though Mommy can't wait to give you a brother or a sister to befriend, watch over and terrorize the same way Mommy did with Auntie Ashley and Uncle Ryan, I can't imagine sharing the love I have for you with another child. Even though I know my capacity for love is infinate, i still can't imagine it. So it might be awhile.

Yesterday Daddy got the call that he has to leave us for a little while to learn how to do his new job. Mommy has been kind of sad the past couple of days, because I know that we are really going to miss him, but it's important to remember that it really is for the best. With his new job, we will be able to move somewhere that will have more opportunities for you as you grow. Our family will have enough money so mommy can stay home with you for a little while longer. We will be able to take you on fun vacations and do more as a family. It's going to be a little while before we realize all the benefits, but I promise you it will all be worth it.

We love you so much, our little bug. And we are already so proud of you.

Love Mommy and Daddy

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
And she tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah...



Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Sarah. Ex-marketing and advertising junkie turned pregger turned part-time working mom. I grew up in Windsor, ON, and when our family was hit as hard as it could have been by the automotive recession, my husband made a career change, which made him a cop, me a cop's wife, and moved us thousands of miles away to a town just outside of Edmonton, AB. These are our adventures as we make our way in our new land.


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