Our Journey

Well, we did it.  My husband that I haven't lived with for the past six months, our nine-month old daughter and I travelled 3,576 kilometres to our new home in Edmonton, Alberta.

And we all did fabulous.  Luckily we didn't have a deadline for our arrival.  Nick's new boss told him to take his time and "get here when you get here".  So, we did.  We timed driving with Sommer's naps and after a day or two she developed a wonderful routine of waking up, having breakfast and then playing while we got ready and Nick packed the car up.  By the time we were ready to hit the road, she was ready for her morning bottle and would take a three hour nap.  We would stop when she woke up and take rest in whatever decent hotel we could find, only in the northest of northern Ontario did I have to keep her entertained until we reached some bare form of civilization that at least included a Travelodge. 

Ontario started out great, with fun stops in Grand Bend and Sauble Beach.  We took the ferry to Manitoulin Island which was a lot of fun with the baby in tow.  It's amazing how wonderful life is with a baby at her age.  The littlest things amaze her, and watching her watch the water as we sailed through it on the ferry made me feel as though I was on a boat for the first time too.  We had a wonderful afternoon that ended at the perfect time.  The stars were definitely aligned in our favour.

We stopped at Lake Superior provincial park and dipped our toes in the chilly water, just so we could say we did.  We had lunch in Wawa and I was a little concerned that at some point Malachai was going to appear and kill us off.  I've had this weird phobia of small, rural towns ever since I saw the children of the corn.  Don't judge me.

We spent the nights in  Kincardine, Espanola, Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Dryden, Winnipeg and Saskatoon.   It took us a full week to get here and we have been staying in a hotel ever since.  We get the keys to our house tomorrow night.  There are no words to describe how much of a relief this is. 

Stay tuned for my next post....travel tips for travelling with husband baby.



Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

thanks for sharing this Sarah! I have been waiting for a post!

I hope you take this the right way, I am slightly enviosu of this journey you went on! I know moving has been a huge sacrifice for you and your family, and I am sure it will continue to be a struggle. However this journey, these photos, the memories they are absolutely priceless. We would make great roadies. I would love to travel and stop when we needed/could, go on when we could. What an amazing experience. ENjoy the rest of your move and adjustment.

Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Sarah. Ex-marketing and advertising junkie turned pregger turned part-time working mom. I grew up in Windsor, ON, and when our family was hit as hard as it could have been by the automotive recession, my husband made a career change, which made him a cop, me a cop's wife, and moved us thousands of miles away to a town just outside of Edmonton, AB. These are our adventures as we make our way in our new land.


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