They just keep going, and going, and going, and going.........

I thought that when Nick and I were reunited I'd have a lot more time to dedicate to my blog.  I thought I would have time to keep a clean house.  To cook hearty, healthy meals.  To work out.  To take better care of myself than I had been when he was away.

But you know what happened instead?  My baby started to stand.  And is now sort-of walking (and falling).  She wants to explore EVERYTHING.  Our house is completely baby-proofed, but it doesn't matter.  She wants whatever is in my hands and she wants it NOW!  God forbid I attempt a phone call.  We can't even keep the laptop within her eyesight or it's a mad dash and a tantrum when she doesn't get it.  Today, she was after my coffee.  Let me tell you, I love my baby more than anything, but god help the soul that tries to get between me and my morning Joe.

When I am trying to brush my teeth, she is either climbing up the toilet or massacreing the toilet paper.  When I am trying to get dressed, she is climbing the bed or the dresser or taking everything out of the drawer I *just* unlocked to get my socks. 

She's not into toys right now, forget it.  She just loves exploring her surroundings and is interested in whatever we are interested in.  In some ways, it's a lot easier.  I can leave the house without a bag full of toys, and she is content to just look out the window during car rides.  Of course, the scenery here is much more interesting than back home.  Cows, horses, sheep, beautiful fall can't go wrong with the Prairie landscape in September. 

I've also never slept better.  And I'm not sure working out is quite as necessary as it was when she was younger because I do suicides back and forth in my house all day, making sure she doesn't eat whatever she just managed to pick out of the carpet, making sure she doesn't completely remove the bolts from the rocking chair (true story), making sure she doesn't get attacked by a cat when she pokes it in the eye.

And I thought life with a newborn was busy. 



Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I'm Sarah. Ex-marketing and advertising junkie turned pregger turned part-time working mom. I grew up in Windsor, ON, and when our family was hit as hard as it could have been by the automotive recession, my husband made a career change, which made him a cop, me a cop's wife, and moved us thousands of miles away to a town just outside of Edmonton, AB. These are our adventures as we make our way in our new land.


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